880 Serise Source Projector SENTINEL
"Product PDF" |
Specifications : |
880 Model Series |
Delta / Sigma / Elite / Omega |
Primary Application
Industrial Gamma Radiography |
Dimensions (All Models) |
Length : 13.33in(33.8cm)
Width : 7.5in (19.1cm)
Height : 9 in (22.9cm) |
Delta : 52 lb (23.6kg)
Sigma : 52 lb (23.6kg)
Elite : 42 lb (19.0kg)
Omega : 33 lb (15.0kg) |
Activity of Depleted Uranium Shield |
Delta 5.4mCi (200MBq), Sigma 5.4mCi (200MBq), Elite 3.8mCi (141MBq), Omega 2.7mCi (101MBq) |
Accreditation |
SENTINELTM 880 Delta, Sigma, Elite, and Omega models are designed, tested and manufactured to meet
the requirements of ANSI N432-1980, ISO 3999-1 2000E, IAEA TS-R-1 (1996), USNRC 10CFR34,
10CFR71, 49CFR173, MA-1059-D-334-S and CNSC R-061-0001-0-2012*. Additionally, the exposure
devices are designed, manufactured and serviced under a QA program that has been accredited to ISO 9001
(2000) and approved in accordance with USNRC 10CFR71, Subpart H. The QA program also includes the
reporting requirements of USNRC 10CFR21 for suppliers of source and byproduct materials.
*Omega is not included in MA-1059-D-334-S and CNSC R-061-0001-0-2012 |